If you have poor credit and are trying to improve your credit score, using a credit card responsibly may help. The Surge MasterCard will report your payment activity to the three major credit bureaus on a monthly basis. Maintaining a low balance and paying your bill on time every month are two of the best practices for positive credit.
Account Issued by: Celtic Bank
Serviced by: Continental Finance Company
Founded in 2001, Celtic Bank is a leading nationwide small business lender and residential construction lender. Headquartered in Salt Lake City, Utah, Celtic Bank is a privately owned industrial bank chartered by the State of Utah. Celtic Bank is an SBA Preferred Lender and was named the 8th largest SBA lender in the nation for FY 2014.
Founded in 2005, Continental Finance Company (“CFC”) is one of America's leading marketers and servicers of credit cards for consumers with less-than-perfect credit. The company specializes in providing access to credit products and services to consumers who are largely overlooked by traditional credit card issuers and local banks.
As a consumer finance company, with a state of the art consumer underwriting, marketing and servicing platform, we are able to offera variety of services to customers when other financial institutions will not accommodate them.
Since the Company’s founding, CFC has prided itself on its corporate responsibility to customers in terms of a strong customer support program and fair treatment.
Approval and Credit Limit
In most cases, an instant decision is provided. However, in some cases additional information is needed in order to make a decision which could take up to 30 days.
If you're approved and you fully fund any security deposit (if applicable), your credit card and welcome materials will be mailed within (3) business days, at which time you will be informed of your credit limit.
Upon approval, you will be granted a credit limit of $1,000. In some cases, you may be required to provide a security deposit to qualify for a credit card.