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Payday Loans in the US
Payday loan in the US can be obtained from the payday lenders at payday loan stores or online via internet payday lenders. The payday loan industry started its modern resurgence as storefront lenders but quickly migrated to the internet to make and collect loans electronically from borrowers’ bank accounts. This is evidence with the decreasing number of payday loan stores since 2006. An estimated 19,700 payday loan stores are operating at the end of 2010, compares to 20,600 stores at the end of 2009.

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Payday Loans in Washington

The number of payday lenders in Washington reduced 4% to 22 companies in 2019, compares to 23 companies a year ago. The 22 companies have 56 branches(similar to the number of branches in 2018) in 78 locations(1% decrease compares to 79 locations in 2018). The number of payday lending locations has decreased 89% since its height of 742 locations in 2006.
There are 577,280 number of small loans made in 2019, a decrease of 7,932 or 1.36% compares to 585,212 in 2018. The total loans amounted to $229,993,042, a decrease of $4,497,210 or 1.92% compares to $234,490,252 in 2018. The average payday loan is $398.41 in 2017, a slightly smaller amount compares to $400.69 in 2018.
The total payday loan fees amounted to $32,936,040 in 2019, a decrease of $533,888 or 1.60% compares to $33,469,928 in 2018. The average payday loan fee in 2019 is $57.05, a marginal increase compares to $57.19 in 2018.
There are 168,711 number of unique customers in 2019, with 37,663 customers or 22.3% taken out the maximum 8-loan limit. Out of the 577,280 small loans made in 2019, 10.16% or 58,651 is converted to installment plan. In 2019, there are 47,716 customers with a transaction goes into default.
There are 64 complaints received from payday lenders in Washington State in 2017, where 31 or 48% are against online payday lenders.

Payday Loans in Colorado

There are 414,284 number of small loans made in Colorado in 2016(data from 31 individual lenders – some with multiple licensed locations), a decrease of 34,508 or 7.69% compares to 448,792(data from 33 individual lenders – some with multiple licensed locations) in 2015. The total loans amounted to $166,353,683, a decrease of $12,220,829 or 6.84% compares to $178,574,512 in 2015. The average payday loan is $401.55 in 2015, compares to $397.90 in 2015.
As of December 31, 2016, there are 142,967 number of outstanding payday loans amounted to $44,155,219 in Colorado.
In 2016, there are 96,952 number of defaulted payday loans, amounted to $39,135,333.
The payday loans in 2016 is made to 207,220 customers. 201,569 customers with 6 or less new or refinanced loans; 4,905 customers with 7 to 12 new or refinanced loans and 746 customers with 13 or more new or refinanced loans.

There are 448,792 number of small loans made in Colorado in 2015(data from 33 individual lenders – some with multiple licensed locations), a decrease of 42,557 or 8.66% compares to 491,349(data from 35 individual lenders – some with multiple licensed locations) in 2014. The total loans amounted to $178,574,512, a decrease of $13,988,525 or 7.26% compares to $192,563,037 in 2014. The average payday loan is $397.90 in 2015, compares to $391.91 in 2014.
As of December 31, 2015, there are 182,120 number of outstanding payday loans amounted to $51,743,530 in Colorado.
In 2015, there are 113,145 number of defaulted payday loans, amounted to $44,625,451.
The payday loans in 2015 is made to 234,272 customers. 227,800 customers with 6 or less new or refinanced loans; 5,737 customers with 7 to 12 new or refinanced loans and 735 customers with 13 or more new or refinanced loans.

There are 491,349 number of small loans made in Colorado in 2014(data from 35 individual lenders – some with multiple licensed locations), an increase of 10,227 or 2.13% compares to 481,122(data from 39 individual lenders – some with multiple licensed locations) in 2013. The total loans amounted to $192,563,037, an increase of $3,437,308 or 1.82% compares to $189,125,729 in 2013. The average payday loan is $391.91 in 2014, compares to $393.09 in 2013.
As of December 31, 2014, there are 166,711 number of outstanding payday loans amounted to $55,944,397 in Colorado.
In 2014, there are 112,138 number of defaulted payday loans, amounted to $42,725,657.
The payday loans in 2014 is made to 253,855 customers. 247,080 customers with 6 or less new or refinanced loans; 6,215 customers with 7 to 12 new or refinanced loans and 560 customers with 13 or more new or refinanced loans.

There are 481,122 number of small loans made in Colorado in 2013(data from 39 individual lenders – some with multiple licensed locations), an increase of 40,257 or 9.13% compares to 440,865(data from 42 individual lenders – some with multiple licensed locations) in 2012. The total loans amounted to $189,125,729, an increase of $19,903,171 or 11.76% compares to $169,222,558 in 2012. The average payday loan is $393.09 in 2013, compares to $383.84 in 2012.
As of December 31, 2013, there are 165,969 number of outstanding payday loans amounted to $55,585,316 in Colorado.
In 2013, there are 98,155 number of defaulted payday loans, amounted to $42,187,560.
The payday loans in 2013 is made to 259,000 customers. 253,467 customers with 6 or less new or refinanced loans; 5,000 customers with 7 to 12 new or refinanced loans and 333 customers with 13 or more new or refinanced loans.

There are 440,865 number of small loans made in Colorado in 2012(data from 42 individual lenders – some with multiple licensed locations), a decrease of 3,468 or 0.78% compares to 444,333(data from 50 individual lenders – some with multiple licensed locations) in 2011. The total loans amounted to $169,222,558, an increase of $2,180,149 or 1.31% compares to $167,042,409 in 2011. The average payday loan is $383.84 in 2012, compares to $375.94 in 2011.
As of December 31, 2012, there are 155,515 number of outstanding payday loans amounted to $52,305,656 in Colorado.
In 2012, there are 81,580 number of defaulted payday loans, amounted to $33,501,687.
The payday loans in 2012 is made to 238,014 customers. 233,783 customers with 6 or less new or refinanced loans; 3,867 customers with 7 to 12 new or refinanced loans and 364 customers with 13 or more new or refinanced loans.

There are 444,333 number of small loans made in Colorado in 2011(data from 50 individual lenders – some with multiple licensed locations), a decrease of 665,891 or 59.98% compares to 1,110,224(data from 65 individual lenders – some with multiple licensed locations) in 2010. The total loans amounted to $167,042,409, a decrease of $242,089,684 or 59.17% compares to $409,132,093 in 2010. The average payday loan is $375.94 in 2011, compares to $368.51 in 2010.
As of December 31, 2011, there are 149,327 number of outstanding payday loans amounted to $54,351,273 in Colorado.
In 2011, there are 111,238 number of defaulted payday loans, amounted to $42,651,125.
The payday loans in 2011 is made to 247,441 customers. 244,294 customers with 6 or less new or refinanced loans; 2,928 customers with 7 to 12 new or refinanced loans and 219 customers with 13 or more new or refinanced loans.

There are 1,110,224 number of small loans made in Colorado in 2010(data from 65 individual lenders – some with multiple licensed locations), a decrease of 455,257 or 29.08% compares to 1,565,481(data from 97 individual lenders – some with multiple licensed locations) in 2009. The total loans amounted to $409,132,093.00, a decrease of $167,110,734.00 or 29% compares to $576,242,827.00 in 2009. The average payday loan is $368.51 in 2010, compares to $368.09 in 2009.
As of December 31, 2010, there are 179,203 number of outstanding payday loans amounted to $66,347,538 in Colorado.
In 2010, there are 169,578 number of defaulted payday loans, amounted to $67,970,778.
The payday loans in 2010 is made to 300,069 customers. 251,447 customers with 6 or less new or refinanced loans; 43,133 customers with 7 to 12 new or refinanced loans and 5,489 customers with 13 or more new or refinanced loans.

Payday Loans in Washington 2010 to 2018

The number of payday lenders in Washington reduced 18% to 23 companies in 2018, compares to 28 companies a year ago. The 23 companies have 56 branches(3% decrease compares to 58 branches in 2017) in 79 locations(8% decrease compares to 86 locations in 2017). The number of payday lending locations has decreased 89% since its height of 742 locations in 2006.
There are 585,212 number of small loans made in 2018, a decrease of 48,670 or 7.68% compares to 633,882 in 2017. The total loans amounted to $234,490,252, a decrease of $14,281,913 or 5.74% compares to $248,772,165 in 2017. The average payday loan is $400.69 in 2018, a slightly larger amount compares to $392.46 in 2017.
The total payday loan fees amounted to $33,469,928 in 2018, a decrease of $1,917,060 or 5.42% compares to $35,386,988 in 2017. The average payday loan fee in 2018 is $57.19, a marginal increase compares to $55.83 in 2017.
There are 171,158 number of unique customers in 2018, with 38,884 customers or 22.72% taken out the maximum 8-loan limit. Out of the 585,212 small loans made in 2018, 17.03% or 99,674 is converted to installment plan. In 2018, there are 47,656 customers with a transaction goes into default.
There are 64 complaints received from payday lenders in Washington State in 2017, where 31 or 48% are against online payday lenders.

The number of payday lenders in Washington reduced 8% to 28 companies in 2017, compares to 26 companies a year ago. The 28 companies have 58 branches(33% decrease compares to 87 branches in 2016) in 86 locations(24% decrease compares to 113 locations in 2016). The number of payday lending locations has decreased 88% since its height of 742 locations in 2006.
There are 633,882 number of small loans made in 2017, a decrease of 76,281 or 10.74% compares to 710,163 in 2016. The total loans amounted to $248,772,165, a decrease of $24,974,728 or 9.12% compares to $273,746,893 in 2016. The average payday loan is $392.46 in 2017, a slightly larger amount compares to $385.47 in 2016.
The total payday loan fees amounted to $35,386,988 in 2017, a decrease of $3,630,120 or 9.30% compares to $39,017,108 in 2016. The average payday loan fee in 2017 is $55.83, a marginal increase compares to $54.94 in 2016.
There are 180,688 number of unique customers in 2017, with 44,495 customers or 26.96% taken out the maximum 8-loan limit. Out of the 633,882 small loans made in 2017, 16.14% or 102,294 is converted to installment plan. In 2017, there are 48,816 customers with a transaction goes into default.
There are 64 complaints received from payday lenders in Washington State in 2017, where 31 or 48% are against online payday lenders.

The number of payday lenders in Washington reduced 10% to 26 companies in 2016, compares to 29 companies a year ago. The 26 companies have 87 branches(21% decrease compares to 110 branches in 2015) in 113 locations(19% decrease compares to 139 locations in 2015). The number of payday lending locations has decreased 85% since its height of 742 locations in 2006.
There are 710,163 number of small loans made in 2016, a decrease of 66,661 or 8.58% compares to 776,824 in 2015. The total loans amounted to $273,746,893, a decrease of $27,156,665 or 9.03% compares to $300,903,558 in 2015. The average payday loan is $385.47 in 2016, a slightly smaller amount compares to $387.35 in 2015.
The total payday loan fees amounted to $39,017,108 in 2016, a decrease of $4,036,396 or 9.38% compares to $43,053,504 in 2015. The average payday loan fee in 2016 is $54.94, a marginal decrease compares to $55.42 in 2015.
There are 196,117 number of unique customers in 2016, with 52,876 customers or 26.96% taken out the maximum 8-loan limit. Out of the 710,163 small loans made in 2016, 13.40% or 95,138 is converted to installment plan. In 2016, there are 51,792 customers with a transaction goes into default.
There are 109 complaints received from payday lenders in Washington State in 2016, where 31 or 34% are against online payday lenders.

The number of payday lenders in Washington reduced 26% to 29 companies in 2015, compares to 39 companies a year ago. The 29 companies have 110 branches(9% decrease compares to 121 branches in 2014) in 139 locations(13% decrease compares to 160 locations in 2014). The number of payday lending locations has decreased 81% since its height of 742 locations in 2006.
There are 776,824 number of small loans made in 2015, a decrease of 42,931 or 5.24% compares to 819,755 in 2014. The total loans amounted to $300,903,558, a decrease of $18,387,149 or 5.76% compares to $319,290,707 in 2014. The average payday loan is $387.35 in 2015, a slightly smaller amount compares to $389.50 in 2014.
The total payday loan fees amounted to $43,053,504 in 2015, a decrease of $2,660,635 or 5.82% compares to $45,714,139 in 2014. The average payday loan fee in 2015 is $55.42, a marginal decrease compares to $55.77 in 2014.
There are 214,099 number of unique customers in 2015, with 56,986 customers or 26.62% taken out the maximum 8-loan limit. Out of the 776,824 small loans made in 2015, 12.35% or 95,899 is converted to installment plan. In 2015, there are 45,679 customers with a transaction goes into default.
There are 183 complaints received from payday lenders in Washington State in 2015, where 67 or 37% are against online payday lenders.

The number of payday lenders in Washington reduced 15% to 39 companies in 2014, compares to 46 companies a year ago. The 39 companies have 121 branches(5% decrease compares to 128 branches in 2013) in 160 locations(8% decrease compares to 174 locations in 2013). The number of payday lending locations has decreased 78% since its height of 742 locations in 2006.
There are 819,755 number of small loans made in 2014, a decrease of 52,046 or 5.97% compares to 871,801 in 2013. The total loans amounted to $319,290,707, a decrease of $12,139,371 or 3.66% compares to $331,430,078 in 2013. The average payday loan is $389.50 in 2014, a slightly larger amount compares to $380.17 in 2013.
The total payday loan fees amounted to $45,714,139 in 2014, a decrease of $1,788,085 or 3.76% compares to $47,502,224 in 2013. The average payday loan fee in 2014 is $55.77, a marginal increase compares to $54.49 in 2013.
There are 220,838 number of unique customers in 2014, with 61,100 customers or 27.67% taken out the maximum 8-loan limit. Out of the 819,755 small loans made in 2014, 13.80% or 113,146 is converted to installment plan. In 2014, there are 37,703 customers with a transaction goes into default.
There are 184 complaints received from payday lenders in Washington State in 2014, where 83 or 45% are against online payday lenders.

The number of payday lenders in Washington reduced 12% to 46 companies in 2013, compares to 52 companies a year ago. The 46 companies have 128 branches(15% decrease compares to 151 branches in 2012) in 174 locations(14% decrease compares to 203 locations in 2012). The number of payday lending locations has decreased almost 77% since its height of 742 locations in 2006.
There are 871,801 number of small loans made in 2013, a decrease of 37,769 or 4.15% compares to 909,570 in 2012. The total loans amounted to $331,430,078, a decrease of $11,559,673 or 3.37% compares to $342,989,751 in 2012. The average payday loan is $380.17 in 2013, a slightly larger amount compares to $377.09 in 2012.
The total payday loan fees amounted to $47,502,224 in 2013, a decrease of $1,605,460 or 3.27% compares to $49,107,684 in 2012. The average payday loan fee in 2013 is $54.49, a marginal increase compares to $53.99 in 2012.
There are 231,868 number of unique customers in 2013, with 68,736 customers or 29.64% taken out the maximum 8-loan limit. Out of the 871,801 small loans made in 2013, 12.40% or 108,807 is converted to installment plan. In 2013, there are 45,756 customers with a transaction goes into default.
There are 453 complaints received from payday lenders in Washington State in 2013, where 330 or 73% are against online payday lenders.

The number of payday lenders in Washington reduced 24% to 52 companies in 2012, compares to 68 companies a year ago. The 52 companies have 151 branches(20% decrease compares to 188 branches in 2011) in 203 locations(21% decrease compares to 256 locations in 2011). The number of payday lending locations has decreased 73% since its height of 742 locations in 2006.
There are 909,570 number of small loans made in 2012, an increase of 53,741 or 6.28% compares to 855,829 in 2011. The total loans amounted to $342,989,751, an increase of $16,316,632 or 4.99% compares to $326,673,119 in 2011. The average payday loan is $377.09 in 2012, a slightly smaller amount compares to $381.70 in 2011.
The total payday loan fees amounted to $49,107,684 in 2012, an increase of $2,440,826 or 5.23% compares to $46,666,858 in 2011. The average payday loan fee in 2012 is $53.99, a marginal decrease compares to $54.53 in 2011.
There are 236,538 number of unique customers in 2012, with 65,938 customers or 27.88% taken out the maximum 8-loan limit. Out of the 909,570 small loans made in 2012, 9.64% or 87,674 is converted to installment plan. In 2012, there are 54,031 customers with a transaction goes into default.
There are 388 complaints received from payday lenders in Washington State in 2012, where 297 or 77% are against online payday lenders.

The number of payday lenders in Washington reduced 20% to 68 companies in 2011, compares to 85 companies a year ago. The 68 companies have 188 branches(45% decrease compares to 339 branches in 2010) in 256 locations(40% decrease compares to 424 locations in 2010). The number of payday lending locations has decreased 65% since its height of 742 locations in 2006.
There are 855,829 number of small loans made in 2011, a decrease of 237,947 or 21.75% compares to 1,093,776 in 2010. The total loans amounted to $326,673,119, an increase of $107,438,624 or 24.75% compares to $434,111,743 in 2010. The average payday loan is $381.70 in 2011, a smaller amount compares to $397 in 2010.
The total payday loan fees amounted to $46,666,858 in 2011, a decrease of $14,625,846 or 23.86% compares to $61,292,704 in 2010. The average payday loan fee in 2011 is $54.53, a marginal decrease compares to $56.04 in 2010.
There are 233,835 number of unique customers in 2011, with 56,326 customers or 24.09% taken out the maximum 8-loan limit. Out of the 855,829 small loans made in 2011, 9.52% or 81,462 is converted to installment plan. In 2011, there are 60,863 customers with a transaction goes into default.
There are 286 complaints received from payday lenders in Washington State in 2011, where 145 or 51% are against online payday lenders.

The number of payday lenders in Washington reduced 22% to 85 companies in 2010, compares to 109 companies a year ago. The 85 companies have 339 branches(24% decrease compares to 449 branches in 2009) in 424 locations(30% decrease compares to 603 locations in 2009).
There are 1,093,776 number of small loans made in 2010, a decrease of 2,150,248 or 66.28% compares to 3,244,024 in 2009. The total loans amounted to $434,111,743.00, a decrease of $901,917,102.01 or 67.51% compares to $1,336,028,845.01 in 2009. The average payday loan is $397 in 2010, a smaller amount compares to $412 in 2009.
The total payday loan fees amounted to $61,292,704.00 in 2010, a decrease of $122,144,575.38 or 66.59% compares to $183,437,279.38 in 2009. The average payday loan fee in 2010 is $56.04, a marginal decrease compares to $56.55 in 2009.
Beginning January 1, 2010, borrowers are limited to eight loans in any twelve-month period from all lenders. There are 280,587 number of unique customers in 2010, with 43,930 customers or 15.66% taken out the maximum 8-loan limit.
Beginning January 1, 2010, borrowers are entitled to an installment loan at any time prior to default. Borrowers do not have to pay a fee for the installment plan and have from 90 to 180 days (depending on the original loan amount) to repay the loan in a series of installments. Out of the 1,093,776 small loans made in 2010, 13.35% or 146,065 is converted to installment plan. There are 93,601 customers who started an installment plan in 2010.
In 2010, there are 72,563 customers with a transaction goes into default.
There are 324 complaints received from payday lenders in Washington State in 2010, where 162 or 50% are against online payday lenders.

Online Payday Loans in the US

In 2010, combined storefront and internet payday lending have an estimated totals $40.3 billion in loans and $7.4 billion in revenue. An estimated $29.2 billion with $4.7 billion in revenue loans are made by payday loan stores, while internet payday lenders are estimated to have loaned $10.8 billion and collected fees of $2.7 billion in 2010.

Internet payday lenders require electronic access to borrowers’ bank accounts. Instead of holding a paper check to secure payment of loans made at payday loan stores, payday internet lenders gain authorization to electronically deposit loan proceeds and withdrawn payments directly from borrowers’ bank accounts.

Online payday loan size varies by lender(from $100 to $1500) and by whether the online lender complies with state payday loan limits, with payment due on the borrower’s next payday with loan terms ranging from 5 to 30 days.

Normally, online payday loan applications request personal and financial information, including the applicant’s Social Security number, bank account and routing number, and employment or source and frequency of income. Internet payday lenders also required borrowers to provide authorization for the lender to access the bank account to electronically deposit the loan proceeds and to withdraw payment from the account.

Loan proceeds are delivered, typically by the next business day, by direct deposit through the Automated Clearing House system(ACH) or by the Federal Reserve Fed Wire facility. Some lenders will also make loan proceeds available to be picked up at MoneyGram outlets or loaded onto a prepaid debit card sold or provided by the lender.

The qualification for online payday loan varies by lender. Commonly, applicants must be at least 18 years of age, have a checking account and earn at least a minimum, preset monthly income. - Online Payday Loans

Safe and secure online application with SSL encryption technology

Important Notice

  • Payday loans are extremely expensive small loans secured by direct access to the borrower’s bank account, either through a post-dated check or other authorization to withdraw funds from the account on the borrower’s next payday. It is advisable for you to do a comparison shop for the lowest fees and penalties before getting your payday loan.

Personal Loans